Solution for Advertiser

Video Ads

you can publish your video ads with our audience

you can publish your video ads with our audience

Image ads

you can publish your img ads with our audience

you can publish your image ads with our audience

Direct Link Ads

you can publish your direct ads with our audience

you can publish your direct ads with our audience

Which ad format should I use?

Choosing the right format can be a make-or-break decision in advertising. Let’s take a look at some of the most common ad formats in mobile advertising and when they can be particularly effective.

  • Banner ads with banner ads, the aim is to display an image and wait for users to view, click and convert – making quality graphics and a compelling call to action (CTA) essential components.
  • Interstitial adsInterstitial ads offer a full-screen experience. These can be used to avoid ‘banner blindness’ when users become so accustomed to seeing banner ads that they no longer take notice. Interstitial ads can also be expandable (known as expandable ads), which start out as regular banner ads before taking up the whole screen.
  • Native ads Native advertising is when ads are designed to match the environment in which they are placed. For example, when you see a ‘sponsored’ tag attached to a YouTube video, this is native advertising on that particular platform.
  • Video ads As their name suggests, video ads are advertisements in video format. By their nature, video ads are a popular advertising method because they can be highly engaging, offering great CTR (click-through rate).
  • Playable ads give users access to interactive gameplay, and playable ads let you try before you buy. This gives users a limited look at an app, offering highlights that should push users to install. Because users can gauge their interest before purchasing the app, playable ads can be used to reduce app uninstall rates.